Expert witness for birth and women's health legal cases
Experienced practitioner, educator,
and leader

Experienced practitioner, educator,
and leader
"Quality is never an accident."
- William A Foster
I have attended over 3,000 births in academic centers, community hospitals, birth centers, and homes. I hold six degrees, including a doctorate. I can assist plaintiffs or defendants in obstetrical and women's health cases involving individuals with any of the following credentials:
I have been a clinical assistant professor at an academic medical center. I launched and directed a faculty midwife service for midwives to educate OBGYN residents and medical students at another large facility. I have personally taught OBGYN residents, medical students, midwives, nurse practitioners, nurses, and doulas in clinical and didactic settings. I have been a principal investigator and advisor for OBGYN resident research projects. I have taught master's, post-master's, and doctoral nursing students as an assistant professor at Touro University California. I am currently engaged in international midwifery practice, and am a visiting assistant professor at the University of Iowa Healthcare.
I have been the director of one of the largest birth centers in the country. In 6 years we grew from an annual budget of 84 to 650 births (774%). Our net revenue for the same timeframe was $24.27M, and net income $10.58M. I have been the ACNM representative for the Global Covid Perinatal Taskforce. I have been a member of the national ACNM Professional Liability Committee, Home and Birth Center Section, and Scope of Practice Taskforce. I have published; given numerous presentations; served on a state maternal mortality review board member; been treasurer of a state midwifery affiliate; worked with a national team to develop a sonographic certification process for midwives; and done international medical mission work. I was a 2019 St. Louis Business Journal ’40 Under 40’ awardee. I am also a fellow with the ACNM.